Entries by Delve

Not So Funny: Fake News, Real Problems

On July 9, presidential candidate Martin O’Malley published an “open letter” to “Wall Street Megabanks” that outlined his financial reform proposals, with the goal of bringing much needed media attention to the struggling campaign. The letter was, in fact, successful in drawing the media’s attention, however, it was not the attention the campaign was hoping […]

Are You Allergic to Discussing Your Strategy?

“Barack Obama is allergic to talking about his national security strategy,” Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz told Newsmax TV today during a discussion of how Obama fumbled the Bergdahl situation. “You’re going to see more [Democrats] try to break away and try and save themselves, but it’s a sinking life raft off a sinking ship,” Berkowitz continued […]

Partisan Bias in FOIA Responses?

Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz helps The Washington Times’ Jim McElhatton interpret data on EPA responses to FOIA requests. Is the agency really more responsive to Democrat requests than Republican ones? The data suggests yes, but it might be a bit more complicated than that: Democrats have filed more than 50 FOIA requests, including lots seeking correspondence […]

Beware the Early Exit Poll Tweets

Reuters talks to Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz about the potential impact of early (and incomplete) exit poll data leaking before the polls close. Television networks face a new challenge in covering this year’s excruciatingly close presidential election: prevent closely guarded exit poll results from leaking onto Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. The major TV […]

More Transparency in Research?

In Buzzfeed, Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz argues technology not legal loopholes, are pushing oppo into the limelight. Buzzfeed looked at how campaigns and independent expenditure groups are getting around campaign finance laws preventing coordination when it comes to opposition research. In the story, Berkowitz argues that new digital technologies are breaking down opposition research’s veil of […]

USA Today: Researchers Digging Deeper

Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz tells USA Today how “technology has revolutionized the age-old practice” of political research. Technology has revolutionized the age-old practice, said Jeff Berkowitz, who oversaw research for the Republican National Committee and Rudy Giuliani’s 2008 presidential campaign and now has his own firm. In 2004, the RNC’s trackers trailed the Democratic candidates through […]

Berkowitz On NPR’s Talk of The Nation

Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz joined the conversation on digging up dirt on politicians with TOTN’s Neal Conan, NPR political analyst Ken Rudin, and New Partners’ Ben Jones. Listen to the full panel discussion:  

Staying On Message in Campaigns

Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz assesses for Politico how the media horde can pull campaigns off message if they aren’t careful. The unofficial chatter means that campaigns are spending a lot less time focusing on policy than on the insult of the day. “In the silly season, it will take extreme discipline for (Romney’s campaign) to stay […]

Berkowitz on MSNBC’s Jansing & Co.

This morning, Jeff Berkowitz joined MSNBC’s Chris Jansing for a discussion of opposition research in the 2012 GOP presidential primary. Watch the discussion here: Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy