Entries by Delve

Delve Announces Key New Hires

Delve exists because our clients – from large companies to major trade associations – need an information advantage that helps them understand, overcome, and anticipate public affairs challenges they face from competitors, policymakers, and other stakeholders. Since our December 2015 official launch, we have been providing our clients with research insights that do just that, […]

How the Tax Cut Is Like an iTunes Giveaway

Here’s What You Need To Know Well, it’s that time of year again: Tax Day. As if that weren’t reason enough to trade political barbs from both sides of the partisan divide, the 2018 tax year is the first year that Republicans’ Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is fully in effect. As we wrote in our […]

Political Risk Is Prime, Fizzling Out, and China’s Over-Inflation Problem

Here’s What You Need To Know Last week, it was revealed that Amazon lobbied more federal entities than any other American public company in 2018. Given the significant resources brought to bear, its strong popularity among consumers, and the successful public relations-frenzy that drove 238 cities and regions to compete to win the company’s HQ2 throughout most of the year, companies […]

Like a 5G, Renewable Ruin, and the Campaign Against Campaign Finance

Here’s What You Need To Know With the latest confusion surrounding the Trump Administration’s policy on a nationwide 5G network, companies and industry groups got a taste of what will become increasingly common as 2020 approaches: trying to decipher policy cues from both The White House and the Trump reelection campaign when they seem to be indicating […]

Gearing Up for USMCA, Ai’s Risky Business, and Going Low

Here’s What You Need To Know In an October edition of TL;DR, we wrote about the “other machinations in Washington” that overshadowed the announcement of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, which was negotiated to replace NAFTA. Since then, the agreement has stayed somewhat under the radar and in fact, the Administration has already moved its focus […]

Not All Research Is Created Equal, Free Shipping Under Attack, and Deepfake Drama

Here’s What You Need To Know Last Friday, a page from Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s 1984 medical school yearbook was published, which showed a disturbing photo of a man wearing blackface and another wearing a Klan outfit. The Old Dominion state was plunged into political chaos (which has only sunk deeper), and political implications aside, this revelation is gut-wrenching. It […]

New Deal Here Again, Chicago Shenanigans, and House Hunters: Oregon

Here’s What You Need To Know As Democrats had no clear path to combat climate change only a few weeks ago, the Green New Deal has seemingly come out of nowhere, gaining national attention as influential House members, Senators, and potential 2020 presidential candidates voice their support for more urgent action. With some calling it this generation’s “moon shot” or […]