Entries by Delve

The War on Plastic, Deepfakes, and VC Data Mining

Here’s What You Need To Know First with bags and now straws, a full war on plastic is sweeping the nation and the globe. The current media storm is warning people to “stop sucking,” and cities and companies are listening and making plans to, or have already banned, plastic straws. Even celebrities like Calvin Harris […]

A Toast to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Actionable Insights

Here’s What You Need To Know With America celebrating its 242nd birthday this week, many of our readers will be relaxing with family and friends, watching fireworks, reflecting on the blessings of living in this diverse, aspirational, and exceptional nation, and feeling gratitude to those who have and continue to serve in defense of freedom around […]

Italy’s New Populism, AG Is VIP, and Not So Golden State

Here’s What You Need To Know After 88 days of political jockeying, negotiations, and drama, Italy’s new populist government was sworn in this month – despite the country’s President threatening not to do so just days prior. Even for Italy’s notoriously complicated, not to mention colorful, political culture, the recent period of uncertainty marked a […]