Entries by Delve

4 Things to Look For In Fourth Quarter FEC Reports

With the FEC year-end reports for all federally registered political organizations due this Sunday, pundits and politicos will quickly begin to prognosticate over the true meaning behind the numbers. When it comes to Presidential campaigns, the top line fundraising totals always get the most attention but, in reality, there is little correlation between raising the […]

Why A Last Minute Oppo Dump Won’t Fix Hillary’s Berning Fever

Research 101, Lesson One: In campaigns, define your opponent early and often. It’s been said that by the time you recognize certain problems, it’s already too late to stop them. Like the Titanic steaming toward an iceberg, only to sound the alarm after it was too late to stop or turn. Or that extra drink […]

Caucusing, Oppo Do’s and Don’ts, Polling Gone Bad

Here’s What You Need to Know With the Iowa Caucuses just eleven days away, top GOP election attorney Ben Ginsberg provides a detailed look at how the process will play out. “More than any of the other primary seasons I’ve seen,” Ginsburg writes in Politico Magazine, “This is the year to expect the unexpected.” Why […]

TL;DR January 15, 2016

Here’s What You Need to Know In his eighth and final State of the Union Address on Tuesday night, President Obama “offered a prescription, saying it’s about the process, not the people who are elected. Obama pitched the removal of legislatures from redistricting; a reduction of the influence of money in politics; and laws that […]

TL;DR January 8, 2016

Want to witness a little bit of TL;DR live? Join us for the Hamilton Foundation’s “The Politics of Fighting Radical Islam in 2016,” featuring a keynote address by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and a panel discussion among Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz, Tara Setmayer, Tofer Harrison, and Christian Whiton. Cannon House Office Building, Room 122, […]

New Year, Growing Team

When we launched Delve last month, I asked you to stay tuned for more exciting additions to our team. As was announced in Politico Playbook this morning, we’re pleased to announce that Matt Moon has joined the firm as Executive Vice President. Matt brings years of public affairs and communications experience, as well as his […]

TL;DR December 24, 2015

Happy Holidays! The Delve team wishes a merry Christmas to those who celebrate and a happy new year’s to all. Like many of you, TL;DR will be taking a rest next week. See you in 2016 with plenty of news and insights to share. Here’s What You Need to Know Being a world leader is […]

TL;DR December 17, 2015

Welcome to TL;DR Welcome to Delve’s weekly newsletter. We hope that with our help, you won’t have to say, “Too long; didn’t read,” ever again. Each week, we will endeavor to bring you under-the-radar news and insights to keep you in the know. If you don’t find it useful, we welcome your feedback and understand […]

The Washington Post Reports on Delve’s Launch

The Washington Post reports on Delve’s launch and highlights our “invest[ment] in technology that aims to predict what one’s political opponents and corporate competitors will do next. … The move underscores a shift in the influence industry as firms look for ways to add data-based competitive intelligence to traditional shoe-leather lobbying services.”  

Let’s Delve In

Today, we are launching Delve with the aim of becoming the premier global source of competitive intelligence for public affairs. The premise of Delve is simple: In today’s fast-moving policy and business environment, what you don’t know can hurt you. Traditional public affairs efforts are no longer enough to achieve your goals if you do […]