Entries by Delve

TPP Talks, Big Data, and Greenpeace Confessions

Here’s What You Need to Know The United States has withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), but that does not necessarily mean the deal is dead. Indeed, the void in the Asia-Pacific trade market left by U.S. withdrawal is not likely to remain unfilled for long. Next week, on March 14-15, Chile will host a […]

What’s Actually Inside the GOP’s Obamacare Repeal Draft?

Here’s What You Need to Know Last week, a draft of a House Republican bill designed to repeal and replace Obamacare was leaked. The legislation is a first look at how House Republicans, working with the Trump Administration, are planning to break down the policies of Obamacare while simultaneously replacing key elements of the healthcare […]

Robotics and the Next Big Policy Fight

Here’s What You Need To Know As more and more jobs have become automated over the past few decades, political rhetoric has had to walk the line of decrying workers being replaced by robots and touting the economic successes brought on by increased efficiency. But, that conflict appears to be coming to a head with […]

Getting Back to FERC

Here’s What You Need to Know With the resignation of recently replaced Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Norman Bay effective February 3rd, the five-member regulatory body tasked with a key role in the permitting process of interstate energy infrastructure projects, and the regulation of the transmission and sale of electricity, has been left with […]


Here’s What You Need to Know The new Administration has used many of its first days promulgating several major executive actions, offering up numerous photo ops of President Trump surrounded by his senior staff signing these documents in the Oval Office. The problem is that these executive actions appear to be written as broad statements […]

No Royal Prerogative, Inaugural Similarities, and South Korean Stumbles

Here’s What You Need To Know Just this week, Britain’s Supreme Court ruled Prime Minister Theresa May must get approval from Parliament before she can move forward on any plans to execute a Brexit strategy. May had previously argued the Prime Minister had “royal prerogative” to manage the UK’s relationship with the EU. But the Court’s […]

What’s on TAP for Healthcare and Tax Reform?

Here’s What You Need to Know As Donald Trump is sworn into office tomorrow, eyes turn to what key industries can expect in his Administration. As part of The Administration Project (TAP), Delve has been analyzing and assessing the incoming administration’s personnel choices and policy cues to determine just that. This week, we released the […]

What’s on TAP for Tax Reform?

Despite all of the process stories claiming there is chaos between the incoming administration and Hill Republicans, the fact remains that the stars are aligned for comprehensive tax reform to happen this year. The White House and both chambers of Congress are solidly in Republican hands. House Speaker Paul Ryan has long had has a […]

What’s on TAP for Healthcare?

Repealing and replacing Obamacare has taken up most, if not all, of the discussion on health care policy. Everyone from pundits to policymakers has been attempting to predict and navigate the politics and process of how a new administration and Congress will handle the Affordable Care Act. But, the personnel at several different agencies and […]