Forbes Column: Are You Prepared for a Communications or Reputational Crisis?

It may not always seem it on the surface, but political and reputational risks exist in every organization. In his second column as a member of the Forbes Business Council, Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz explains why organizations need to be prepared to anticipate and mitigate a communications or reputations crisis before it happens, because once the viral moment hits, it will be too late. Read on to learn more.

It’s the day you have long feared. You wake up to frenzied phone notifications and emails from colleagues and questions from reporters. Your viral moment has arrived. Someone said or did something — now or years ago — and your organization is under siege from the press, public, shareholders and policymakers.

Today, it’s no longer a matter of if your viral moment will happen, but when. That’s because companies are made up of people, and people make mistakes — both in their work and personal lives. Sometimes, no one does anything wrong at all, and the blowback is seemingly unjustified. No matter the circumstances, your viral moment is inevitable.

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So, as the old adage goes, “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” That’s why organizations must invest time and resources before something bad happens. Smart companies are doing so by applying the same kind of competitive intelligence they leverage elsewhere in their business to build a public affairs toolbox that ensures they can respond quickly and effectively to any viral moment.

Continue reading at and find out the three steps executives should take to protect their brand from an unexpected uproar.