Entries by Delve

When Your Negative Ads Don’t Match the Facts, You Lose

Television advertising has consistently proven to be one of the more effective vehicles for political candidates to communicate messages and ideas directly to the voting public. These can take a variety of forms, but some of the most successful are contrast ads. The purpose of these spots is to highlight portions of an opponent’s political […]

Has Contemporary Environmentalism Failed the Environment?

It would be hard to imagine a time when nearly four out of every five Americans would declare themselves to be environmentalists. And it would be even harder to fathom that same figure applied to both Democrats and Republicans. Yet this was the case less than three decades ago. A recent Gallup poll found 42 […]

Big Data vs. Big Personalities: Environmentalists Failing the Grade

Here’s What You Need to Know This past week, Gallup released a poll that found 42% of Americans would consider themselves to be environmentalists, whereas the same poll in 1991 garnered 78% of Americans polled. In a new Medium post, Delve Executive Vice President Matt Moon explains the shift: Party Gap: Today, only 27% of Republicans […]

Doha Dancing and Obamacare Opioids

Here’s What You Need to Know What does Doha have to do with the 2016 elections? A lot more than you think. Earlier this week in Doha, Qatar, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and Russia failed to agree to an oil production freeze in an attempt to respond to declining oil prices […]

Inversions, the Car Bubble, and Bernie’s Slackivists

Here’s What You Need to Know Last week the Obama administration announced plans to curb the practice of American companies shifting their headquarters’ overseas to avoid U.S. taxation, commonly referred to as corporate tax inversions. The decision promptly killed a $160 billion merger between U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and Ireland-based Allergan, as Pfizer sought to […]

Panama Papers, Saudi Oil, and Brand Backstories

Here’s What You Need to Know Earlier this week over 2.5 terabytes of data containing 11.5 million documents from the world’s 4th largest offshore law firm, Mossack Fonseca, were leaked by anonymous sources to German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalism (ICIJ). The documents revealed staggering hidden wealth of international politicians, […]

March Jobs, the Union Jack, and Obama’s BFFs

Here’s What You Need to Know The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) will release its monthly jobs report tomorrow bright and early at 8:30am, and predictions suggest the national unemployment rate will remain steady around 4.9% after February’s gain of 242,000 jobs. But are those the only figures that matter? The BLS definition of being […]

FOIA Foibles and Brazilian Bribes

Here’s What You Need to Know According to recent analysis of government data conducted by the Associated Press: “The Obama administration set a record for the number of times its federal employees have disappointed citizens, journalists and others that despite searching they couldn’t find a single page requested under the Freedom of Information Act.” The […]

Encryption, Elections, and Revolutions​

Here’s What You Need to Know The debate over privacy policies and encryption of tech devices has received banner headlines due to the U.S. Department of Justice seeking access to the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone from Apple. But the issue of privacy and encryption goes deeper than just this one battle and important legal precedents […]

Agenda Setting, Under the Radar

Here’s What You Need to Know Flying under the radar of the presidential campaign circus is an effort by Congressional Republicans to help define what should be debated and discussed when both parties have nominated their general election candidates, including the all-important topic of tax policy. In mid-January, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan announced […]