Entries by Delve

Oppo Truths, Secret Meetings, and Rocking TPP​

Here’s What You Need to Know While attending last week’s Republican National Convention, Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz was interviewed on the often misunderstood art of opposition research, as well as what role national security issues may play in the next Presidential administration. Jeff spoke to Jason Rantz of Seattle’s KIRO talk radio and outlined what […]

The Truth About Opposition Research

At the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz spoke to Jason Rantz of KIRO-TV’s (Seattle, WA) talk radio on the often misunderstood art of opposition research. Jeff explained that the process will generally start with a vulnerability study, “so we can understand [a candidate’s] strengths and weaknesses as a candidate,” and what […]

DNC Convention Preview: What’s Hillary’s Message?​

This is the fourth and final analysis in a series of insights we’ve provided on different policy platform fights and other issues in the weeks leading up to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. Here’s What You Need To Know All eyes are on Donald Trump’s nomination acceptance speech tonight. But we want to be […]

Convention Preview: Republicans and Democrats on Trade​

This is the third in a series of insights we’ll be providing on different policy platform fights in the weeks leading up to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. Here’s What You Need to Know The platform committee of the Democratic National Convention has adopted decidedly anti-free trade policies and the Republican National Convention’s platform […]

Convention Preview: Republicans and Democrats On Israel​

This is the second in a series of insights we’ll be providing on different policy platform fights in the weeks leading up to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. Here’s What You Need to Know The Republican and Democratic party platform positions on U.S.-Israeli relations are going to produce two very different debates at the […]

Convention Preview: Left vs. Far Left on Energy​

This is the first in a series of insights we’ll be providing on different policy platform fights in the weeks leading up to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. Here’s What You Need to Know While several left-wing environmental organizations are now coalescing around Hillary Clinton, many in the environmental movement are still unsatisfied. Liberal […]