Entries by Delve

What’s on TAP for Energy and Financial Services?

Here’s What You Need to Know As we approach Inauguration Day, eyes turn to what key industries can expect as Donald Trump takes office. As part of Delve’s The Administration Project (TAP), we have been analyzing and assessing the incoming administration’s personnel choices and policy cues to determine just that. This week, we released two […]

What’s on TAP for Financial Services in a Trump Administration?

The first step to understanding what may happen to the financial services industry under a Trump administration is to know what we don’t know. Because of his rhetoric on the campaign trail, we can’t assume President-elect Trump’s nominees who are Wall Street veterans – including Steve Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary and Gary Cohn to be […]

What’s on TAP for Energy in a Trump Administration?

During his campaign, President-elect Donald Trump was consistently vociferous in advocating for expanding domestic energy production by removing regulations, while calling for more private investment in oil, coal, and natural gas. And so far, most of Trump’s cabinet nominees align themselves with this mantra. But, market and political forces outside of anyone’s control could be […]

Russian Rhetoric, Trump’s Twitter Tactics, and Uber to Arizona

Here’s What You Need to Know Reading headlines and press releases coming from the Obama administration that boldly claim Russia, “hacked the election,” it would appear as though the United States just had an illegitimate election where voting machines around the country were hacked into by a foreign government intent on deciding the next president. […]

Lagarde’s Loophole, the Trump Effect, and the UN’s Israel Obsession

Here’s What You Need to Know Last Monday, the Cour de Justice de la Republique, a French court specifically tasked with ruling on charges against current and former government ministers, ruled that former French finance minister and current International Monetary Fund managing director Christine Lagarde is guilty of misusing public funds, but determined she should […]

Delve CEO on The Steve Gruber Show on WJIM 1240 AM (Lansing, MI)

In the lead up to the official vote of the electoral college on Monday, petitions and articles circulated the internet calling on electors who are technically pledged to vote for Trump to become “faithless electors” and vote for someone else. Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz was invited onto The Steve Gruber Show the morning of the […]

Faithless Electors = Hopeless Electors ​

Here’s What You Need To Know With the official vote of the electoral college coming up next Monday, the bargaining phase of grief has begun for those who are still reeling from Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election. Petitions and articles are circulating all over the internet calling on electors who are technically pledged […]

The Forgotten 95 Million and the War on Piano Teachers​

Here’s What You Need To Know This past week President-elect Trump had several conversations with foreign leaders that left many in the foreign policy elite feeling some mixture of apprehension, confusion, and full on terror. It is difficult to determine how many of these feelings stem from actual policy concerns versus the utterly disorienting effect […]

Real “Fake” News, the Cuba Plan, and Mergers & Academics

Here’s What You Need to Know In the wake of the presidential election, there has been a new and growing debate over the pervasiveness of so-called “fake” news. The catalyst for this newfound concern is the claim that this “fake” news is what drove many voters to choose Donald Trump on Election Day. The theory […]

Après Nous, Le Déluge

Here’s What You Need To Know When President Bill Clinton left office in January 2001, he pushed through a flurry of literally last-minute “midnight” executive orders and regulatory measures. They were aimed at rushing through items in line with his ideological leanings in direct contradiction of his successor. Now, faced with a similar circumstance, President […]