Delve CEO on The Steve Gruber Show on WJIM 1240 AM (Lansing, MI)

In the lead up to the official vote of the electoral college on Monday, petitions and articles circulated the internet calling on electors who are technically pledged to vote for Trump to become “faithless electors” and vote for someone else.

Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz was invited onto The Steve Gruber Show the morning of the official vote of the electoral college to discuss faithless electors, the subject of Delve’s most recent TL;DR update:

Steve: “I understand that you think we are now in the bargaining phase, that’s why [Democrats] are trying to work on the electoral votes, the bargaining phase of grief.”

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Jeff: “I think that’s about right. You know, at some point [Democrats] will hopefully come to acceptance or some sort of reluctant acceptance. But right now they are trying to bargain with people they think can save them, but actually can’t.”

Looking beyond, Monday’s electoral college votes, Steve asked Jeff about the state of the results going forward:

Steve: “Where does it end? Because I believe that after today [Democrats] will target John Roberts or somebody to try to figure out ‘what do we do next to try to keep Donald Trump from becoming president?’ Here’s an idea: move on.”

Jeff: “I don’t think they’ll move on. But the process is going to happen whether they like it or not. And frankly, the longer the keep doing this, the better this is for Donald Trump because they aren’t focusing on fighting his cabinet members and fighting his policies. And, it will make him better able to work with some of the reasonable folks from Washington to actually move things forward under his agenda.”

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