Entries by Delve

Media Outlets Feature Delve’s Analysis on Rule 40

Last week we published our analysis of the rule that could lead to chaos in the Republican primary process. Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz spoke with the New York Times on how this rule may impact Republicans looking to defeat Donald Trump in the coming months: “‘The best case scenario for the Never Trump backers is […]

Rule 40 and the Apocalypse

Here’s What You Need to Know As the dust settles on Super Tuesday 2016 and the pundits declare who “won” each state and how many delegates each candidate received, there is a crucial element missing from the conversation: Rule 40 of “The Rules of the Republican Party”. Rule 40 states: “Each candidate for nomination for […]

Think Tanks, Beliebers, & AOL.com

Here’s What You Need to Know Two new reports have been released illustrating the importance and influence of third party groups in public affairs campaigns. The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program at the University of Pennsylvania released their “2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report” listing the top think tanks in the U.S. […]

Scalia, Unicorns, and Magic Flying Puppies

Here’s What You Need to Know Before any discussion of the politics of the Supreme Court, take a moment to read Justice Ginsberg’s warm recollection of her “best buddy” and ideological foil, Justice Scalia and remember the impressive career of a truly historic jurist. Alas, outside the Court’s amicable chambers, Justice Scalia’s passing has launched […]

The Supreme Court Conundrum

With only eight Justices sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court and a contentious Presidential election underway, a Wall Street Journal editorial declares, “The President’s supporters insist vehemently that, having won the 2012 election, he has every right to try to change the Court’s direction. Yes, but the Republicans won the 2014 election, regaining control of […]

Budget, Bernie, And Brexit

Here’s What You Need to Know President Obama released his fiscal 2017 budget proposal on Tuesday. Here are the top 6 things you need to know: $500 billion deficit: The budget proposes $4.1 trillion in outlays and $3.6 trillion in receipts. A clarion call for progressivism: “President Barack Obama’s final budget proposal is a clarion […]

Eagles vs. Drones

Here’s What You Need to Know With the Senate Energy Bill up for a cloture vote as soon as today, here are four things you need to know: This is a rare case of passing a bill many Republicans and Democrats can support. The bill is co-sponsored by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Senator Maria […]

FEC Filings, Big Data, And Supreme Snafus

Here’s What You Need to Know With the annual FEC year-end reports due this coming Sunday for all federally registered political organizations, our own Managing Director, Lloyd Miller, has outlined the top four things to watch in the Presidential campaigns’ reports: Campaign Spending: How a campaign is spending their money will show what level of […]