Entries by Delve

The Trump Doctrine, Mayors Fight the Future, and New Student Debtors

Here’s What You Need To Know Last week, President Trump gave his first major foreign address in Saudi Arabia in front of leaders from 55 Muslim-majority countries. While the speech received plenty of coverage, much of the reporting missed the most important element – President Trump laid out the foundation of a new foreign policy […]

Not-So-Special Prosecutor, Investment Impacts, and Regulatory Rollbacks

Here’s What You Need To Know Yesterday afternoon, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced the appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller to serve as Special Counsel to investigate connections between those close to President Trump and the Russian government. This appointment comes in response to numerous lawmakers calling for a special prosecutor following the […]

Deregulatory Achievements, Big Oil Exodus, and Populist Kids

Here’s What You Need To Know In the wake of President Trump’s 100th day in office, there was a lot of discussion on the Administration’s lack of legislative accomplishments. But, looking at Trump’s regulatory accomplishments tells a different story. In his first 100 days, Trump’s efforts to undo burdensome government regulation across a variety of […]

Hill Fights, Playground Trouble, and The Glass-Steagall Myth

Here’s What You Need To Know This week the negotiations over the potential government shutdown is dominating the news from Capitol Hill. Most people know that debt ceiling and FY 2018 fights loom in the summer and fall, but several other key legislative items that are being largely ignored could present trouble down the road. […]

A Not So Special Election, More Inequality, and the Retail Meltdown

Here’s What You Need To Know This past Tuesday’s special election in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District to replace recently appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price was touted as a definitive mandate for the country’s feelings on the Trump Administration thus far, and a major bellwether for how the 2018 midterms are going […]

Equal Pay Hits, United We Oppo, and Minimum Wage Reality

Here’s What You Need To Know How do Republicans respond to the equal pay issue? Since April 4th marked “Equal Pay Day,” a symbolic day dedicated to raising awareness about the gender pay gap in the U.S. workforce, we wanted to give you some perspective on the issue. Democratic politicians have been able to attack […]

CAFE Standards, the Real Trump University, and Chinese Capital

Here’s What You Need To Know The cries of support and opposition were heard far and wide this week when President Trump signed an executive order that begins to undo much of President Obama’s Clean Power Plan. But, those focused on the really impactful policy changes should be looking to an announcement from two weeks […]

Brexit Begins, Natural Gas’s U-Turn, and CBO Struggles

Here’s What You Need to Know Last Monday the British government took its first baby step on the long march toward making Brexit a reality – Parliament passed a bill allowing UK Prime Minister Theresa May to trigger Article 50 and commence the process of leaving the EU. Getting this measure passed was the first […]