Entries by Delve

The Facts on the RAISE Act, What’s Killing Retail, and the 100% Renewable Fraud​

Here’s What You Need To Know Last week, President Trump endorsed the RAISE Act, legislation sponsored by Senators David Perdue (R-Ga.) and Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) that would be the most significant reform of the U.S. immigration system since the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act. There’s a lot of exaggerations from both supporters and critics of the bill circulating in the news and in […]

OPEC’s Diminished Cartel, the Constitutionality of Twitter Blocking, and the Declining Business Birth Rate

Here’s What You Need To Know After hitting all-time production highs in 2016, this January, the 14-nation Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) – as well as several non-OPEC oil producers – agreed to cut oil output by 1.8 million barrels per day. Although oil prices rose slightly above $50 following the agreement, in May they fell into the mid […]

McConnell’s Plan B, Politicizing Philanthropy, and Volvo’s Electric Marketing​

Here’s What You Need To Know Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that if Republicans are unable to pass to their version of Obamacare repeal – the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) – “then some kind of action” to stabilize “the private health insurance market must occur.” McConnell’s remarks underscore a larger truth that has […]

Generation Z-OP, North Korea Options, and the Rise of the Alt-Left

Here’s What You Need To Know Earlier this week, North Korea successfully fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) into Japan’s exclusive economic zone. The test puts Alaska in range of a North Korean missile, giving the rogue state the capability to reach U.S. soil for the first time. Although it remains unclear whether North Korea is able […]

Trumping Disclosures, Failed Fight for $15, and GOP’s Structural Edge

Here’s What You Need To Know Lost among the clamor for President Trump’s tax returns is the release of an annual public document filed by President Trump, along with all other Administration appointees: the Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report. Members of Congress, and candidates for Federal offices file very similar forms as well. You can […]

Ajit Pai’s World, Winning Afghanistan, and the Next Cool City

Here’s What You Need To Know This week is “Tech Week” at The White House, with Administration officials conducting meetings with a broad group of tech leaders and investors to discuss the effect regulations have on emerging technologies, the challenge of crafting immigration policy for high-skilled workers, and other tech-related policy issues. In the spirit […]

Canada’s New Conservative, Super PAC Schemes, and New Asian Energy

Here’s What You Need To Know Last week the Conservative Party of Canada picked 38 year-old Saskatchewan MP Andrew Scheer as their new leader, who will challenge current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the next national election set to occur before October 21st, 2019. The surprise outcome answers some questions about the future of the […]