Entries by Delve

Ending Sue and Settle, Taxation Without Legislation, and Dividers Gonna Divide?

Here’s What You Need To Know Last week, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt issued a directive to end so-called “sue and settle” practices within the agency. Hailed by business interests and conservatives as a “victory for democratic consent over legal extortion,” and lamented by environmental activists, this move will have a profound impact […]

Declaring an Opioid Emergency, Trudeau’s Art of the Deal, and Will AI Crown a “Ruler of the World”?

Here’s What You Need To Know In late July, the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis, led by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, issued a preliminary report recommending, among other steps, that President Trump declare the opioid abuse epidemic as a national emergency. A couple weeks later, President Trump stated he […]

The Rise of Antifa, a Federalist Answer on Immigration, and Replacing Leslie Knope​

Here’s What You Need To Know In April 2016, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI issued a confidential joint intelligence assessment labeling a leftist extremist group named Antifa – short for anti-fascists – as “domestic terrorists,” predicting they would engage in violence with radical right-wing organizations. A few weeks ago, this group finally began to capture the […]

NAFTA Talks, Enviro Attacks Go Low, and How Real News Becomes Fake​

Here’s What You Need To Know At a Tuesday rally in Arizona, President Trump said current efforts to renegotiate the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) are likely to fail, and “we’ll end up probably terminating NAFTA at some point.” The Mexican peso plunged in response to his comments. But, is this really a reflection of the status of […]

Silicon Valley Imperiled, Activists’ Hidden Organizing Tool, And The Obama-Trump Vocabulary​

Here’s What You Need To Know Wall Street has long been unpopular with the public, making the financial industry a punching bag for politicians on both sides of the aisle and a frequent target for increased regulation and bureaucratic scrutiny. In contrast, Silicon Valley’s traditional reputation as young, innovative, and benevolent has made it a tougher target for critics. […]