Entries by Delve

Policymaking in the Year of the Hashtags

Here’s What You Need To Know In CQ’s 2018 Legislative Preview released this week, Delve CEO Jeff Berkowitz was quoted as calling the first twelve months of the Trump era “the year of the hashtags.” From #WomensMarch to #NoBanNoWall to #FakeNews, political organizing that once took several days is now realized in a matter of […]

Iran Protest Redux, the Emoji Lobby, and Waiving the Red Flag

Here’s What You Need To Know While people around the world were celebrating Christmas and New Year’s, citizens in Iran were taking to the streets for the largest protests in that country since 2009’s Green Movement. There seems to be no end in sight to the unrest, as more people take part in the demonstrations, […]

Net Neutrality Hysteria, Political Philanthropy Rising, and a New Bitcoin Order From Chaos?

Here’s What You Need To Know Last week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released the tentative agenda for its December meeting. This meeting will include the agency’s plan to rollback so-called “net neutrality” rules implemented in 2015, which imposed government regulation of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like utilities. The announcement has set off a wave […]

Delve Founder & CEO Speaks At S&P Global Platts Pipeline Development & Expansion Conference

Delve Founder & CEO Speaks At S&P Global Platts Pipeline Development & Expansion Conference The Stage: On Wednesday, Delve Founder & CEO Jeff Berkowitz spoke at the 12th Annual S&P Global Platts Pipeline Development & Expansion Conference in Houston, Texas. Joined onstage by Delve strategic partner & Off The Record Strategies CEO Mark Pfeifle, the […]

Pulling up the Curtain on the Political Hanger-on, Zero Stars From Yelp, and a “Confirmation Bias Tour”

Here’s What You Need To Know Last week, it was announced that former Trump presidential campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos plead guilty to lying to federal agents about his contacts with Russians connected to the Kremlin. After this revelation, the President took to Twitter to refer to Papadopoulos as a “young, low level volunteer […]